A field guide to what to expect during the first days, weeks, and months of taking our flagship synbiotic.

Written by Seed’s Scientific Communications Team
Reviewed by Jennie O’Grady: Senior SciComms Specialist at Seed
New to Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic? Welcome. We’re honored you chose our 2-in-1 probiotic and prebiotic—and we can’t wait to tell you more about what to expect when taking it.
When you hold a capsule of DS-01®, you have an entire world of living, active bacteria in your hands. These microscopic organisms were engineered to deliver digestive and whole body benefits to their new host (that’s you!).
Once consumed, they brush shoulders with your fantastically unique microbiome. To get a sense of how intricate this internal ecosystem is, consider the fact that there are roughly 5,000 times more bacteria in your body than there are human beings on this Earth (🤯).1
Since no two microbiomes are the same, we can’t say with certainty how DS-01® will affect every single one of them. What we can do (and, in fact, do all the time) is reference the latest scientific research and conduct our own clinical trials to estimate how our 24-strain probiotic and prebiotic formula will impact the majority of people who take it.
Consider this analysis of DS-01® scientific literature your field guide to what to expect in the first days, weeks, and months of taking our flagship product:
Days 1–3
All about acclimation
Like a new pair of shoes, DS-01® may need a few days to adjust to your body.
Some (though not all) people may feel gassy, bloated, or otherwise digestively “off” the first few days of DS-01® intake. These can all be typical effects of the gut adjusting to these microbial newcomers—and they’re actually a positive sign in many cases.
These changes demonstrate that the bacteria in DS-01® have successfully survived the harrowing journey of digestion and made it to where they’re needed most: the colon. Once bacteria are delivered to the colon alive (thanks to DS-01®’s innovative capsule-in-capsule system), they can get to work engaging with your resident gut microbes and existing cells.
Any discomfort should gradually subside as your body adjusts to the synbiotic over the first few weeks of use. All that’s left is to sit back and let them do their work.
1 Week In
Building the gut barrier
By the end of your first week with DS-01®, you’re already setting the stage for long-term gut health. One of the most foundational (yet invisible) changes happening in your body at this time is the support of gut barrier integrity—a critical function of your digestive system.2
The gut barrier is your frontline defense within the gastrointestinal tract, separating the outside world from the rest of your body. Think of it as a selectively permeable shield, designed to allow nutrients and beneficial compounds to pass through while keeping harmful substances out of the bloodstream.
This barrier plays an essential role in maintaining not just digestive health, but also immune function, metabolic balance, and whole-body well-being.
DS-01®’s 24-strain formula contributes to a healthy gut barrier by promoting the production of butyrate, a critical short-chain fatty acid (SCFA). Butyrate is a major fuel source for gut cells and helps reinforce the mucus layer and tight junctions between intestinal cells.3 By doing so, DS-01® helps maintain this protective shield, which can be compromised by factors like stress, poor diet, or certain medications.*
Though you might not perceive immediate results, these behind-the-scenes shifts are vital for long-term gut health. The gut barrier’s role in promoting digestive health is like the foundation of a house—you don’t always see it, but its strength is crucial for everything built on top of it.
2 Weeks In
Better digestion is already here
Most people can expect noticeably better gut comfort or function after just two weeks of taking DS-01®.*4
Yep, the fast-acting synbiotic’s strains have been clinically shown to ease abdominal bloating, reduce intermittent constipation, and allow for easier, more comfortable bowel movements in as little as 14 days.4 This echoes what we hear from Seed members, who report that it quickly helps them feel less sluggish and weighed down and more regular.*
As one member writes, “For the first time in probably 10 years, I no longer go to bed bloated nor am I waking up bloated. I can eat normal foods without fearing bloating/digestive issues. My mind is blown that all it took was a good-quality pre/probiotic.”
1 Month In
Time to glow from within
After one month of regularly taking DS-01®, data suggests that you should not only feel a difference; you might be able to see one too.
The synbiotic works to address skin concerns from within, by way of the almighty gut-skin axis.* This bidirectional network connects the gastrointestinal tract and the skin, allowing gut-derived compounds to influence skin conditions and vice versa. The prebiotic in DS-01® contains powerful polyphenols sourced from the fruit and skin of Indian pomegranate. When metabolized by gut bacteria, these polyphenols (like punicalagins) are further broken down into beneficial metabolites that influence skin health.
Clinical research on DS-01®’s prebiotic shows it’s capable of improving the physical appearance of skin—including wrinkle severity, skin elasticity, and skin hydration within four weeks.5 It also translated to beneficial changes to the skin microbiome, further reinforcing that DS-01® has far-reaching impacts outside of the gut.*
As one member reports, “It took a couple weeks to notice a huge difference, but the glow that came back into my skin was just… I had forgotten that my skin could glow like that, honestly.”*
3 Months In
Healthy aging, unlocked
By month three of DS-01®, you have built a healthy foundation in your gut—and well beyond. Extra-intestinal benefits may include immune support (read: fewer sick days) and the maintenance of normal cholesterol levels and blood pressure.*
These benefits accrue over time as the microbial milieu of the gut becomes stronger and more resilient to intruders. After 12 weeks, strains in DS-01® have been shown to improve and regulate immune function—equipping your body to defend and maintain homeostasis, especially in the face of challenges.*6
According to research on 49 adults, taking a bacterial strain in DS-01® for 12 weeks also supports healthy cholesterol levels—promoting an optimal balance of good and bad cholesterol.*7 Researchers suspect this novel benefit could have to do with the ways that certain bacteria bind cholesterol onto their cellular membrane and remove it from circulation. Some strains also seem to be able to convert cholesterol into coprostanol—a compound that then gets eliminated in feces.
The cardiovascular system is essential to healthy aging, and the fact that you can support yours with a once-daily dose of synbiotics is pretty spectacular.
6 Months and Beyond
Consistency pays off
After six months of contributing to the probiotic piggy bank, you can accumulate some serious wealth: from consistently better digestion to noticeably easier poops to glowing, resilient skin. The broad-spectrum strains in DS-01® also go on to support immune function and heart health, too—not bad for just two capsules daily.*
The “daily” piece is important here. Since the bacteria in probiotics are transient visitors (not forever residents) of the gut, it’s important to take them regularly to see consistent results. Many long-term members say that they notice the difference when they forget to take DS-01®, which is why we offer it on a subscription to ensure you never have to miss a day.
The Key Insight
DS-01® is a clinically validated, 2-in-1 probiotic and prebiotic that is supported by a rigorous scientific foundation. There are over 20 clinical and mechanistic studies underpinning the product’s strain-specific benefits. Seed has also completed several double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials on DS-01® further reinforcing its efficacy.
Some of the science-backed benefits of DS-01® are noticeable within a few weeks (i.e., bloating reduction) while others need longer to take effect (i.e., immune support). Some changes will technically never be felt (i.e., gut barrier integrity) but are still foundational for gut and whole body health.*
That said, no two people are the same. To give DS-01® the best chance of working for your unique physiology and microbial signature, be sure to take the synbiotic daily and pair it with other gut-friendly routines.
- Sender, R., Fuchs, S., & Milo, R. (2016). Revised estimates for the number of human and bacteria cells in the body. PLoS Biology, 14(8), e1002533. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1002533
- Napier, B. A., Van Den Elzen, C., Al-Ghalith, G. A., Tierney, B. T., Evans, M., Stuivenberg, G., Reid, G., Gevers, D., Dhir, R., Mazmanian, S., Versalovic, J., Fasano, A., Blaser, M. J., & Simmons, S. L. (2024). MO1898 DAILY SUPPLEMENTATION WITH a MULTI-SPECIES SYNBIOTIC (DS-01) DURING AND AFTER ANTIBIOTIC TREATMENT PROTECTS AGAINST THE LOSS OF LOW-ABUNDANCE BACTERIAL SPECIES WHILE ENHANCING GUT BARRIER INTEGRITY. Gastroenterology, 166(5), S-1165. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0016-5085(24)03137-8
- Liang, L., Liu, L., Zhou, W., Yang, C., Mai, G., Li, H., & Chen, Y. (2022). Gut microbiota-derived butyrate regulates gut mucus barrier repair by activating the macrophage/WNT/ERK signaling pathway. Clinical Science, 136(4), 291–307. https://doi.org/10.1042/cs20210778
- Del Piano, M., Carmagnola, S., Anderloni, A., Andorno, S., Ballarè, M., Balzarini, M., Montino, F., Orsello, M., Pagliarulo, M., Sartori, M., Tari, R., Sforza, F., & Capurso, L. (2010). The use of probiotics in healthy volunteers with evacuation disorders and hard stools. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 44(Supplement 1), S30–S34. https://doi.org/10.1097/mcg.0b013e3181ee31c3
- Chakkalakal, M., Nadora, D., Gahoonia, N., Dumont, A., Burney, W., Pan, A., Chambers, C. J., & Sivamani, R. K. (2022). Prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study of oral pomegranate extract on skin wrinkles, biophysical features, and the gut-skin axis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(22), 6724. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm11226724
- Iemoli, E., Trabattoni, D., Parisotto, S., Borgonovo, L., Toscano, M., Rizzardini, G., Clerici, M., Ricci, E., Fusi, A., De Vecchi, E., Piconi, S., & Drago, L. (2012). Probiotics reduce gut microbial translocation and improve adult atopic dermatitis. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 46, S33–S40. https://doi.org/10.1097/mcg.0b013e31826a8468
- Costabile, A., Buttarazzi, I., Kolida, S., Quercia, S., Baldini, J., Swann, J. R., Brigidi, P., & Gibson, G. R. (2017). An in vivo assessment of the cholesterol-lowering efficacy of Lactobacillus plantarum ECGC 13110402 in normal to mildly hypercholesterolaemic adults. PLoS ONE, 12(12), e0187964. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0187964