Vaginal Synbiotic

The first vaginal probiotic suppository clinically validated to establish an optimal vaginal microbiome dominated by L. crispatus—the vagina’s most protective bacteria.

2 Month Starter Kit
$39.99/month thereafter
    While we work on expanding access to VS-01™ beyond the US, we invite you to join our international waitlist to be among the first to receive updates on its release in your region. Join our  to be notified.

Day-to-day life can disrupt the balance of your vaginal microbiome, depleting its critical super defender—Lactobacillus crispatus.




Past Pregnancy




Sex Toys

Condom Use

Oral Sex

Gels and Lubricants

Certain Contraceptives

Certain Prescriptions

Certain Cleansers

Feminine Hygiene Products

VS-01™ Vaginal Synbiotic

What Is the Vaginal Microbiome?

Comprised of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, this ecosystem is critical to your gynecological, urogenital, and reproductive health. Unlike the diverse gut microbiome, the vaginal microbiome thrives when dominated by one bacterium: L. crispatus.

However, many lack this abundance, leading to susceptibility to disruptions and imbalances.

9 out of 10 women have an unstable vaginal microbiome.1

Proportion of Subjects by Stability
graph showing 90% of women have an unstable vaginal microbiome
% of Subjects
Figure 1. The proportion of participants who underwent daily sampling and had a stability score equal to or greater than 90%. Only 10% of participants exhibited a stable vaginal microbiome. Stability score was defined as the proportion of days in which an individual had an L. crispatus dominated microbiome.


1 Seed Health R+D (2024) Disruption and Stability of the Vaginal Microbiome: A Data-Driven Approach [White Paper] Seed Health.


VS-01™ emerged from the discovery that specific strains of L. crispatus  defend the vaginal microbiome from pH disruptions and imbalances.
L. crispatus
Fig 1. Our three proprietary L. crispatus strains in VS-01™.
VS-01™ Vaginal Synbiotic
A Victory for Vaginal Health
Propelled by the unmet needs in women’s health, we partnered with Dr. Jacques Ravel to transform over two decades of vaginal microbiome sampling and metagenomic research into real world impact.
Jacques Ravel, PhD
Jacques Ravel, PhD
Seed Scientific Advisor
Founder, LUCA Platform
Dr. Ravel receives the first-ever NIH grant dedicated to studying the vaginal microbiome.
Dr Ravel initiates the vaginal program under the NIH’s Human Microbiome Project (HMP) to define what constitutes a healthy vaginal microbiome.
Dr. Ravel publishes a landmark study1 demonstrating that the most stable and optimal vaginal microbiome is dominated by one bacterium: Lactobacillus crispatus.
Seed partners with Dr. Ravel to launch LUCA Biologics, a vaginal microbiome platform targeting the vaginal microbiome for unmet needs in gynecological and reproductive health.
Dr. Ravel publishes the largest metagenomic gene catalog2 of the vaginal microbiome to date.
Dr. Ravel publishes the most comprehensive metagenomic analysis3 characterizing the vaginal microbiome into 27 community state types, including 6 sub-types of L. crispatus.
VS-01™ is the first innovation to emerge from Seed's vaginal microbiome platform, setting a new paradigm of innovation, empowerment, and care.
1 Gajer, P., Brotman, R. M., Bai, G., Sakamoto, J., Schütte, U. M., Zhong, X., Koenig, S. S., Fu, L., Ma, Z. S., Zhou, X., Abdo, Z., Forney, L. J., & Ravel, J. (2012). Temporal dynamics of the human vaginal microbiota. Science Translational Medicine, 4(132), 132ra52.
2 Brouillett, Monique. Scientific American. 2020. Decoding the Vaginal Microbiome. Retrieved May 4, 2024, from
3 Holm, J.B., France, M.T., Gajer, P. et al. Integrating compositional and functional content to describe vaginal microbiomes in health and disease. Microbiome 11, 259 (2023).

An Evolution in Vaginal Health

VS-01™ is the first and only vaginal synbiotic clinically validated to optimize your vaginal microbiome with three proprietary L. crispatus probiotic strains.

Three proprietary live L. crispatus probiotic strains selected for their genomic diversity and strengthening of vaginal stability and resilience: LUCA103™, LUCA011™, LUCA009™.
VS-01™ Vaginal Synbiotic


L. crispatus LUCA103™, L. crispatus LUCA011™, L. crispatus LUCA009™
Maltose, Calcium Lactate, Glutamine, DiBasic Magnesium Citrate, Cystine
Plant-Derived Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC)

Tested for biocompatibility with the vaginal environment, 14 classes of allergens, 500+ contaminants, and osmolality.

Non-Irritating icon
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No PFAS icon
No Preservatives or Parabens icon
No Preservatives or Parabens
No BPAs icon
No Phthalates icon
No Phthalates
Vegan icon
No Artificial Fragrances or Dyes icon
No Artificial Fragrances or Dyes

VS-01™ requires your body’s natural lubrication for proper dissolution, and therefore may not be as effective among women experiencing significant vaginal dryness.


Results from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial:
Of participants established an optimal vaginal microbiome dominated by L. crispatus
Increase of L. crispatus abundance in participants within 21 days of use
Of participants maintained an optimal vaginal pH
VS-01™ Vaginal Synbiotic
Our Clinical Research

In our first randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, VS-01™ converted 90% of participants to an optimal vaginal microbiome within 21 days and was superior to both a leading oral probiotic for vaginal health and placebo1.

Graph showing proportion of converters to optimal vaginal microbiome at 21 days
Figure 1. The proportion of participants with a non-optimal baseline vaginal microbiome who converted to an optimal vaginal microbiome.
Graph showing change in average relative abundance of Lactobacillus crispatus
Figure 2. Change in the average relative abundance of L. crispatus in participants with a non-optimal baseline vaginal microbiome.
1 Ravel, J., Simmons, S.,  Greenwood Jawa, E., Gottfried, S., Greene, M., Kellogg-Spadt, S., Gevers, D., Harper, D. IDSOG Annual Meeting 2024.

Using VS-01™

Address the Source, Not the Symptoms

Finally, a sustainable approach to address the root cause of imbalances and sustainably defend against daily disruptions.

VS-01 Open Reset Box with Closed Sustain Box and Applicator

2 Month Starter Kit

Month 1 Reset

Your first-month reset to rapidly establish an optimal vaginal microbiome.

VS-01 Open Reset Box

Month 2+ Sustain

The two-tablet monthly protocol that maintains stability and protects against pH disruptors.

VS-01 Open Sustain Box

A New Standard of Safety

The vagina is one of the most delicate ecosystems of the human body, yet vaginal health products are not subject to rigorous safety testing. We set out to close the gap with superior testing and safety checks.

  • Biocompatibility with the vaginal environment
  • 14 classes of allergens, including gluten, nuts, and soy
  • 500+ contaminants (chemical residues and heavy metals)
  • Osmolality (typically only tested for in lubricants)
  • Non-disruptive to the vaginal mucosal barrier in a cruelty-free, FDA-recognized tissue model
  • No histological changes or cellular tissue damage
  • No adverse toxicity outcomes in gold-standard human clinical trial
Non-Irritating icon
Non-Toxic icon
No PFAS icon
No Preservatives or Parabens icon
No Preservatives or Parabens
No BPAs icon
No Phthalates icon
No Phthalates
No Artificial Fragrances or Dyes icon
No Artificial Fragrances or Dyes
Vegan icon

VS-01™ requires your body’s natural lubrication for proper dissolution, and therefore may not be as effective among women experiencing significant vaginal dryness.

From Leading Providers

The VS-01™ Difference
Many existing products and certain prescriptions for vaginal health only target the symptoms and can disrupt the vaginal microbiome. VS-01™ offers a new approach that outperforms on efficacy and safety.
VS-01™Leading Oral Probiotic for Vaginal HealthCertain Prescriptions
Establishes an optimal, resilient vaginal microbiome
Increases abundance of L. crispatus
Safely interacts directly with epithelial cells in the vagina
View All

Expanding Impact and Access

Women's health has been neglected for far too long. Inadequate funding and research have stifled innovation and left critical gaps in care.

While VS-01™ marks an exciting milestone in our effort to prioritize vaginal microbiome research and address the unmet needs of people with vaginas, we believe there is much more to be done when it comes to democratizing safe and effective care. Here are a few ways we're working to improve access:

You can purchase VS-01™ using your HSA or FSA debit card at checkout. Check with your plan administrator as specific approval may vary by carrier.
More programs and education are on the way. If you know of a nonprofit organization or healthcare provider interested in collaborating, email .
We recognize that the definition of women's health is evolving. To ensure inclusivity in our language, imagery, and marketing, we have partnered with the Eidos LGBTQ+ Health Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania.
Hand holding VS-01 tablet

Meet SciCare

Skip the searches—our team of experts is here to answer your questions about the vaginal microbiome, VS-01™, and beyond.

Hi, I’m Jordie from SciCare. I’m happy to answer any of your VS-01™ questions.
How can I help you?

Questions? We're here to guide you.

We keep a list of questions we get asked often on our FAQ page.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may request a refund within 30 days of delivery of your first order. We’ll refund you for the full cost of the product less shipping, VAT, and duties—no questions asked. Refunds apply to your first order only, not any subsequent shipments. For all subsequent shipments, you may reschedule or cancel at any time in your Account.

Kindly note that Sustainable Refill Program orders are considered final sale 30 days after delivery.

While most available solutions target only the symptoms in ways that further disturb the vagina, VS-01™ addresses the source—the vaginal microbiome. VS-01™ begins with an intensive first month Reset to rapidly establish an optimal vaginal microbiome and continues with monthly Sustain — the simple, two-tablet monthly protocol to maintain a stable vaginal microbiome and regulate pH. 

In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, VS-01™ restored and maintained an optimal vaginal microbiome 10x more effectively than a leading oral vaginal probiotic, and 100% of participants experienced regulated vaginal pH.

VS-01™ is designed for ongoing use to rapidly establish and then maintain a resilient vaginal microbiome less prone to disruptions from day-to-day life. VS-01™ is also rigorously third-party evaluated and verified safe for long-term use.

VS-01™ is recommended for adults ages 18-55.

Kindly note, your body’s natural lubrication is required for optimal dissolution of VS-01™. As such,  VS-01™ may not be as effective among individuals experiencing significant vaginal dryness.If you experience significant vaginal dryness, please consult your physician.

VS-01™ has a rigorous safety profile through clinical (in humans) and preclinical (in laboratory environments) testing. VS-01™ is extensively third-party evaluated for contaminants, heavy metals, impurities and all classes of allergens. It is formulated with gentle, non-irritating ingredients and tested for safety and vaginal biocompatibility using an FDA-recognized tissue model.

It is recommended that you do not use VS-01™ while experiencing moderate to heavy bleeding, in order to allow the VS-01™ vaginal tablet to fully dissolve in the vagina and maximize absorption. Day 1 of each protocol starts as soon as bleeding stops.

Note that it is completely fine to insert VS-01™ while spotting or experiencing light bleeding.

If you experience breakthrough bleeding, <28 day cycles, or irregular periods that may disrupt the VS-01™ protocol, do not worry. Take each tablet as close to the schedule as possible.

Start Sustain Day 1 five to seven days after your Reset is complete.

You can always modify your next VS-01™ shipment in your account dashboard or by reaching out to our care team—

You can place an order online using your FSA or HSA card (as you would any other credit or debit card). We’ve taken all of the necessary steps on our end to ensure that you can use your FSA or HSA funds to purchase VS-01™. We also recommend consulting your provider to determine what documentation is required to have your claim approved, as many providers require a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) in addition to a receipt.

Your first shipment of VS-01™ Vaginal Synbiotic contains a 2 month Starter Kit. You’ll start your first month with a Reset protocol of six VS-01™ vaginal synbiotic tablets to seed an optimal vaginal microbiome and regulate pH. After that, you’ll continue your second month with a Sustain protocol of two vaginal tablets to maintain a stable vaginal microbiome and protect against pH disruptors.

After your first shipment, your subscription provides a monthly supply of the VS-01™ Sustain protocol. Returning VS-01™ subscribers can enroll in our Sustainable Refill Program to receive 3-month refills at a discount.

Menstruation is one of the most known day-to-day disruptors of the vaginal microbiome. VS-01™ is designed to work with your body’s unique cycle by rapidly restoring your vaginal microbiome with an initial Reset, and then maintaining stability and regulated pH with monthly use.

Gently press a VS-01™ vaginal tablet out of the aluminum pack into washed hands before each use. Place the VS-01™ vaginal tablet securely into an applicator. Insert into your vagina, and push the inner tube towards you to release (just like a tampon). After releasing, remove and dispose of the applicator. Please note that each applicator is a Class I Medical Device and cannot be recycled.

Yes—you can be sexually active while using VS-01™, though we recommend abstaining from sexual activity for 12 hours after inserting a tablet, to allow the tablet enough time to dissolve completely.