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A gift for a curious Superorganism in your life. Learn-to-earn a credit towards your purchase now.

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  1. Type your email below + click Unlock Now.
  2. Go to your inbox: There will be a quick science lesson waiting for you there!
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BioArt by Tal Danino + Soonhee Moon

About Ara Katz, Author

Written by Ara Katz, our very own Seed Health co-founder and mom to Pax, a curious soon-to-be-six-year-old (the reason Seed exists).

“I am inspired to seed the next generation with the awe and wonder this invisible world of the microbiome offers as a new lens to understand our selves, our health, the choices we make each day and our greater connection to the environment. ”

About A Kids Company About™, Collaborator

AKCA’s distinct storytelling style, methodology and passion to break down seemingly complex topics into accessible and actionable narratives, inspires and educates not just kids, but grownups, too.

“From the beginning, we set out to tell stories that talked up to kids, not down to them, creating inclusive content from first-person perspectives and diverse voices. With this expansion, we can tell more stories from new voices, engaging kids where they need it most. This is the future of kids media—content that takes kids seriously and meets them exactly where they’re at.”

Jelani Memory
Founder + CEO of A Kid’s Company About

For Superorganisms Everywhere.

We are collaborating with partners to ensure superorganisms everywhere can learn about their galaxy within. Know a library, organization or school that may be interested? We’d love to connect.

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Still curious? There’s trillions more to learn.

Experiments to make the world your classroom.

Who Ate My Cheese?

A smelly, tasty, funky experiment in the ‘fridge.*(Kindly consider food sensitivities before trying)

Cheese has a microbiome!
And you can see, smell, and taste it at work. There are bacteria, fungi, and yeasts all over cheese. If you pick up a block of cheese (Blue, Brie, Swiss, etc.) and sniff, you can smell the funky work of microbes slowly breaking down the structure of the cheese.

*Other microbial interactions happening in your fridge: pickles, yogurt, milk, sauerkraut, yeast, breads

Go Outside. Get Dirty!

A (tubular) experiment with soil.

Make a Winogradsky Column:
Named for microbiologist Sergei Winogradsky, this column is a self-contained ‘microbe garden’. It allows us to see the ecology of what goes on underground with soil microbes (one of the most diverse microbial ecosystems on Earth!).

Draw a Microbe!

Make the invisible, visible!

All microbes are unique—like your fingerprint!
There is no “perfect” (or correct) picture of the microbiome. Scientists have a very literal idea of what microbes and the microbiome can look like. We want to see YOUR interpretation. Draw a picture of your microbiome and send it to us at @seed via DM.

We’ve got a team for all your nerdy questions— SciCare@seed.com

For media + podcast inquiries about the book, contact seed@ellecomm.com